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Welcome to Vibe65

Here at Vibe65 we like to call ourselves a ‘Business Solutions Provider’

What does that mean you may ask? Well, kinda a bit of everything really. We have been selling products on Amazon for the past few years and have learned a lot about how their platform works. Giving us a depth of understanding on the problems facing the e-commerce industry. We want to create a community of entrepreneurs to help each other scale effectively. That is why we are going to be working to provide solutions tailored to you and your business. We pride ourselves on our customer service that is often missing in the B2B industry. We work in your business while you can spend more time working on your business!


The first being knowledge. You know the saying ‘knowledge is power’. With business that is especially true. Know how to do a cash-flow? Then you won’t be powerless when cash issues come around! Vibe65 has a vision of providing quality information for the entrepreneur. When it comes to running a business we are all always learning and looking for new ways to innovate. We want you to learn with us, as we invite industry professionals to talk to us about all things business in our weekly podcast sessions where we ask questions and get answers we can all benefit from. In addition to this we will provide blog posts, informative how-to videos and much more on our website and via social media. Join us on our journey of gaining control of our business through expanding our knowledge!


Operating your own business can sometimes be a lonely road to walk. Even if there is more than one owner! In the beginning most of us start out alone with very few people understanding and supporting the vision we have. Our greatest asset is our enthusiasm and passion but it seems like no one gets excited about it like we do. So here at Vibe65 we want to create a community, one that grows together. We will all be at different destinations on our journey. Some will be just starting out, others running super successful companies and even there might be a few of you that are deciding if you want to take the leap into this lifestyle. We want all of you! Get talking with us! Have a question reach out to us. Have advice that has helped you along the way? Post in our groups on social media. We all have something we need and something we can offer. At Vibe65 we want to create lasting friendships and have a network of support for wherever you are on your business journey.

E-commerce Solutions

Vibe65 is not limited to just e-commerce sellers. But that is the space we know best here. So we want to provide some solutions that can solve them for all of us. As we grow we will work to innovate and offer more solutions specific to what you want and need. But here is a brief overview of what we offer

Amazon FBA Prep

Whether you are sending 100 or 10,000 units into Amazon every month. Every business can benefit from a trustworthy prep centre to take this time-consuming tasks of your hands. We can label, polybag, case and palletise all of your units to be sent to Amazon in 24 hours or less!

E-commerce Pick, Pack and Ship

Our team is still finalising the development of this service which will be available February 2021. We will be able to integrate all of your e-commerce channels with our state of the art software and handle all of your non-fba orders as well!


We can help with any bespoke product kitting requirements you may have for your products as well as providing a bottling and labelling service. We are looking to keep growing this side of the business to help save start-ups on meeting large manufacturing MOQs. Let us receive your liquid in bulk and take care of the rest. The best part? No MOQs!


Storage seems like a constant battle with its cost continuing to climb. Amazon sellers know that Amazons storage fees are astronomical which forces many to opt for a service like ours. This allows them to better handle constantly shifting storage needs. No matter what your storage needs are, long-term or short-term, we can help!

Partnerships & Consulting

Have a brand you want to sell in the UK? Is your brand not performing how you want it to?

A commonly coined phrase is; it's not what you know it's who you know! Of course that is true! We know that we can all help each other in different ways. Our team have had the opportunity in previous ventures to work with brands across the pond in the US and here in the UK primarily helping them set up selling on different platforms in the UK. We are always looking for brands that want to establish a presence here in the UK or improve an existing one. Partner with us and see where we can help you.

Thanks for reading this little overview! There is much more to come...

Stay safe and stay focused!

Conor Hughes


Contact us if you are interested in learning more about what we have to offer!

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